Our 2024-2025 will feature these four outstanding musicians who are applying for the Symphony of the Southwest Music Director/Conductor position.

November 2, 2024

Julie Desbordes


DECEMBER 14, 2024

John Massaro


February 22, 2025

Yudai Ueda


April 5, 2025

Jeff Quamo


2024-2025 Schedule


November 2, 2024

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM


December 14, 2024

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM


February 22. 2025

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM


April 5, 2025

Side-by-Side with

Youth Sympony of the Southwest

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM




The mission of Symphony of the Southwest is to enrich the community through quality musical performances and educational programs for people of all ages, backgrounds and economic levels.