2024-2025 Schedule


November 2, 2024

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM


December 14, 2024

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM


February 22. 2025

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM


April 5, 2025

Side-by-Side with

Youth Sympony of the Southwest

Mesa Arts Center - 7:00 PM




Board of Directors

Kathi Roark, President

Mark Converti, Vice-President

Katrina King, Secretary/Treasurer

Patricia Cosand

Amy Greer


Advisory Board

Alice Brovan

Raul Espericueta,

Larry Ray, CPA

Sheri Rodriguez

Rodney Ross

Cathy Worcester

The Vision of Symphony of the Southwest is. . .

To become the first choice for symphonic and classical music for residents of the East Valley, and to bring the joy of music to the community in the Greater Phoenix Area, the State of Arizona and the Southwest region of the United States.

The Mission of Symphony of the Southwest is. . .

To enrich the community through quality musical performances and educational programs for people of all ages, backgrounds and economic levels.

In order to accomplish this mission, our Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020 establishes our priorities and goals for the next 3 years. These priorities and goals relate to the following key issue areas:

  • Audience development: Building long-term sustainable, and diverse patron relationships that cultivate brand loyalty across the East Valley and greater Phoenix area
  • Education: Providing educational and community engagement programs that bring the joy of music to our local and regional communities
  • Financial strength: Ensuring the enduring financial growth of the organization, and providing incremental funding support for the needs of the strategic plan
  • Human capital: Attracting, engaging and retaining top talent in musicians, staff and volunteers so that we ensure and develop the full potential of the organization’s human resources
  • Technology: Using technology to effectively advertise concerts, enhance administrative functions, and other programs, as well as certain priorities in key issue areas of the strategic plan
  • Venue: Presenting programs in venues that provide the highest quality experiences for audiences and musicians